My Cliché Life

Photography has been my passion since I was a kid. Anytime there was a camera around, I was the one reaching for it, asking endless questions. My first real job was selling cameras and developing film, and that's when my love for the art truly solidified. After high school, I felt a strong pull to immerse myself in photography, so I taught myself to manually develop film and print pictures in a darkroom. My parents even gifted me my first SLR, a Nikon N80, and to this day, it remains one of my proudest possessions.

But life has a way of getting complicated when you're least prepared for it. I met a girl who I thought was "the one," and we were just two young dreamers trying to figure it out. We got married, had kids, and before I knew it, I found myself wearing many hats—husband, father, an on-and-off student, and sometimes the only one bringing in the paycheck. My photography love faded into the background, as life’s demands took center stage.

Then, out of the blue, an opportunity came my way. My employer offered me a chance to switch things up, and I seized it. Despite lacking formal training, I stepped into a marketing role and became the company photographer. What followed was a crash course in creativity, and I learned more than I ever imagined.

Life was moving along, until everything came crashing down. My 14-year relationship ended in heartbreak, separation, and eventually divorce. It was one of the hardest times in my life, and it forced me to dig deep and reconnect with who I truly was.

It took some years, but I eventually rediscovered my passion for photography, meditation, and personal growth. I've learned that I never want to limit myself to just one thing again. My love for photography has been reignited, and I’m fully immersed in it once more. This journey is far from over—and I’m ready for whatever comes next.

If you are interested in in creating images that are still worth printing in a digital world.