My Cliché Life
I've been into photography since I was a little kid. Whenever there was a camera around, I'd grab it and start asking questions. My first real job was selling cameras and developing film, and that's when my love for the arts really solidified. After high school, I wanted to dive deeper into photography, so I learned how to manually develop my own film and develop pictures in a darkroom. My parents even got me my first SLR, a Nikon N80, which I still have and am super proud of.
But then life got crazy, and I wasn't really prepared for it. I met a girl who I thought was "the one," and we were just two irresponsible post-teens trying to make it work. We got married, had kids, and before I knew it, I was a husband, a dad, an on-and-off student, and sometimes the sole breadwinner. I didn't leave much time for hobbies anymore, and my love on photography kind of stayed on the back burner.
But then my employer offered me a chance to switch things up, and I jumped at it. Even though I didn't have any formal training, I became a marketing professional and the company photographer. I learned so much from that experience.
Everything was going okay, but then out of nowhere, my world got turned upside down. My 14-year relationship ended in heartbreak, separation, and eventually divorce. It was a tough time, and I had to really search deep inside to figure out who I was.
It took a few years, but I finally rediscovered my passion for the arts, meditation, and personal growth. I realized that I never want to limit myself to just one thing again. I am well invested back into photography, and really loved it. This journey is far from over.